Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunglow Canyon

9/25/10 We camped three nights ago (9/22) at Sunglow Canyon near Bicknell, UT, having been told about the site at a shop where we stopped to change drivers and stretch our legs. Sunglow is an isolated canyon, part of a massive west facing fold of rock stretching 100 miles north to south, the Waterpocket Fold. As we left the main road and drove east into the canyon, its tall red face caught the late afternoon sun. Rounding a corner we were there, in the narrow, isolated edge that formed the canyon.

The walls were tall, vertical, ragged and raw. Sun caught by the west facing canyon wall reflected throughout the canyon making it glow radiant orange. At the base of the walls soft, rounded outwash fans, looking like flesh covering the bones of her rock, gave evidence to the erosion and weathering of the walls above. Clutter of large plucked boulders, shards of sedimentary rock, and glacially deposited black basalt filled in below the outwash fans. Beneath everything a small stream, its bed wide and deep, cut flat into the sediments of the canyon bottom.

Walking into this narrowing, radiant place was magical. The canyon drew us with irresistible gravity. As we climbed over her boulders and touched her outreach fans, I was captured by a sense of awe, filled with reverence for this special place on mother earth.

Sunglow Canyon – An Appreciation Meditation

Sunglow Canyon, I walk on your mother rocks of red, sun radiant walls, black rocks of fire…

I honor your blood red walls;
I honor your erosion fans, flesh on bones of ancient, ocean-sediment rocks;
I kiss the layers of your history;
You draw me into your belly of light and dark, cliff and tree, red and gold.
I am held by your blue sage and yellow rabbitbrush, adornments on your iron colored flesh.
Fire of life illuminates you;
Sun is radiant upon you;
Silent secrets explode from you.

We came to this place, not knowing the soul that lives here, sent by a woman who sells flutes. Tumultuous sky, clouds, wind and rain were here this day, but left and the evening quiet settled in. A walk we said, just a short one… and Sunglow Canyon you led us to paths by your green capillary stream, erosion cuts on her banks evidence of the sometimes furry of your waters. Narrow and tall you beautiful canyon, you nurture green points of air giving trees, placed with random grace, just so… as if you know how their dark, dark green makes your orange/red face vibrate with life.

Walking into your center, mother earth, I give thanks to you, for you, with you. May my blood and flesh and bones be lead by the blood and flesh and bones of your solid rock presence. May my strength be from your strength. May your waters flow in my capillaries, your air breathe clarity to me. Wind, sun, rock, flower, tree, rain, slice of earth, roar of falling rock, silence of rising moon, trickle of flowing water, home of nesting creature, Sunglow Canyon, Holder of the Spirit of Unity, we honor you.

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